Dear Peregrine Community,
Today, Yolo County issued “a countywide health order for residents to shelter in place from March 19 to April 7, unless extended by the Public Health Officer.This order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs and is intended to slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), protect those most vulnerable to the disease,and preserve local healthcare capacity.” Click on the following links for more information.
The Peregrine School Board and Administration are currently discussing how to respond and adapt to new directives from state and local agencies, and how to plan and anticipate changes in the weeks ahead.
For now, we will remain closed until April 7, when the County Shelter in Place order ends. We understand that having to pay full tuition during a school closure is a significant financial burden for many families. Our discussions therefore also include analysis of the fiscal feasibility of tuition reduction measures.
We are committed to providing an enriched program to families at home for as long as normal services are suspended. More details about our online curriculum and activities will be upcoming soon in a letter from the Director and the Board Chair.
We are also monitoring what Federal and State government relief measures may be available to families, staff, and schools as these will help shape how we proceed with respect to tuition.
Thank you for your feedback, questions, and concerns. We will be publishing FAQs on our webpage soon.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these challenging times.
Peregrine School Directors