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COVID-19 Update - March 13th, 2020

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Dear Peregrine Community,

Our Peregrine leadership team has been meeting constantly to update our response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. We are writing to update you on continued efforts to plan for the possible spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community and additional steps our school is taking to prevent the spread of illness across our campuses.

In light of the DJUSD closing and because Elementary School students are capable of remote learning, we have decided that it's in the best interest of the community to close our Elementary School Monday, March 16-March 20. As scheduled, we will be closed for Spring Break, March 23-27. Elementary School Director, Chris Erickson, will follow-up today with families with information about remote learning.

For now, our Early Childhood Centers (ECC) will remain open next week, March 16-20. Given that public school districts in surrounding areas have closed we will be short-staffed, but we will remain within licensing ratio: 1 teacher for every 12 students. As a result, classrooms may need to combine.

Illness prevention:

In addition to our increased frequency of disinfecting commonly used surfaces and adherence to our illness policy, we are also taking the following cautionary measures.

Food service:

Where food is usually served family-style, it is now served away from tables where students are eating (this already happens in some ECC classrooms). Where food is served cafeteria-style, kitchen staff are now serving food onto plates and then handing plates to students and staff. Students are reminded to keep their hands off the serving tables. Only kitchen staff will handle serving utensils.

Staff illness:

We are reminding staff to stay home when they are sick and to follow the same guidelines for themselves that apply to students. Between now and Spring Break (March 23 - 27), staff will receive extra sick pay. When a classroom is short on staff, parents may be notified, so you may be aware of any potential changes in staff and routine.

Non-Essential Activities:

All new rentals have been suspended until May.   All field trips have been suspended until further notice.

Preparing for a possible ECC school closure

We understand how disruptive a school closure may be and are working to minimize that disruption while balancing the well-being of our staff, families and the greater community.

You will be notified of a school closure via email. Please check your email in the morning and evening for notifications. Tuition must still be paid in the event of school closure; no refunds will be issued. This policy is in your admissions agreement. In the event of a school closure, we are committed to paying our staff their full wages as long as we can if there is a school closure.

Thank you for your patience and support through this time.

Sincerely, Peregrine School Directors


(530) 753-5500

(530) 758-8845

(530) 753-5533

Peregrine South
2650 Lillard Drive
Davis, CA 95618

Peregrine West
2907 Portage Bay West
Davis, CA 95616

Peregrine School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission polices, tuition assistance programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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