What is Peregrine's illness policy?
​Everyone who presents with cold or flu symptoms will be asked to stay home for 24 hours after the onset of symptoms. We ask that you let your child’s Head Teacher as well as pandemic@peregrineschool.org know when your child is out due to illness.
If symptoms are not due to COVID-19, a note from a doctor is required stating an alternate diagnosis for the symptoms (such as the flu or RSV), OR a negative COVID test, to be allowed back to school before the 10 day quarantine period ends.
Per our school policy, fever is defined as a body temperature of 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit or more. Individuals may not attend school until they have been free of fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
What is Peregrine's policy for returning to school after a positive COVID case, or exposure?
Peregrine School strongly recommends a COVID test on Day 5 regardless of whether symptoms are present, and another on Day 7, for individuals to attend school regularly after exposure. Tests can be provided by the school
Per CDPH masking guidance, close contacts should wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings and when near those at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease
Strongly encouraged to get vaccinated or boosted (if eligible)
If symptoms develop, test and stay home, AND (see recommendations below)
Positive Case:
All individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are required to report this to the school by email at pandemic@peregrineschool.org, and self-isolate until they meet the requirements to discontinue isolation set by the CDPH.
What are Peregrine School's policies on travel and gatherings?
As of November 14, 2022 masking will be optional at Peregrine School. Anyone who wants to wear a mask will not be discouraged. We will require masking in the following situations:
1) For individuals. We will require masking while an individual is symptomatic and allowed to be on campus e.g., 24 hours after onset of a runny nose.
2) For cohorts. We will reinstate masking in a cohort if 10% of the cohort experiences an outbreak of an infectious disease e.g., covid, flu.
3) School-wide. Masking will be reinstated when the county’s community level moves up from “Low” to a higher tier.
PPE such as face masks, face shields, and gloves are available to staff and students.
Who has to wear a mask at school?
We strongly recommend that all individuals who travel take a COVID test before returning to class. Regardless of vaccination status, we no longer require quarantining for out-of-state travel.
We offer on site and OTC COVID testing for students, staff and family members at both the South and West campuses. The on-site tests are available to all students over the age of two who can administer the test themselves. We will walk the students through the process.
How does pick-up work?
West Campus: Parents/authorized adults can pick up from the classroom door for the aftercare program after 2pm by entering through the front office. Please be mindful of ongoing programs and napping students.
South Campus: Parents and authorized pick-up people can pick up from the classrooms at any time. Please be mindful of ongoing classes and napping students. Between 3-3:15 pm, the East gate will be opened for Elementary families to enter the yard to pick up. Pick-ups after 3:15 pm will need to go through the front doors.
​​West Campus:
Primaria and El Nido Students: Please drop off at the front gate
Escuelita students: Please drop off at the back gate.
South Campus:
ECC: Please drop off at the front/main door and a staff member will escort the student to their classroom.
Elementary: Please drop off at East Gate by 9:00 am. The gate closes at 9:00 am. Students arriving after 9:00 am late should be dropped off at the front door